Enrollment Help All enrollment is done on the PUSD website. If you do not have computer access, the Valley office has hours to assist parents. Hours will be held during April. Monday and Tuesday morning from 8:15-9:15, Spanish & English. Thursday 1:00-2:00 English only. Please bring all your enrollment documents with you. Only legal Guardians may do enrollment. https://www.powayusd.com/apps/pages/enrollment-and-registration
Valley Parent-Student Handbook/Manual de padres-estudiantes Please read this handbook, make it part of a family discussion, and use it often. A partnership between the home and the school is essential for your children’s success in school.
Applications Being Accepted for PUSD Real Property Advisory Committee Committee will advise the Board on the identification and sale of District-owned property not needed for school purposes
Aplicación de almuerzo Favor de ir al sitio indicado el documento adjunto. Aunque todos reciben almuerzo gratis esto ayudara para otros servicios que pueda recibir. Gracias.
Volunteering at Valley As the volunteer restrictions are beginning to change, we want you to be aware of the volunteer requirements that must be completed before you may volunteer. Click on this announcement to learn more...